Lumanary 2014 Winter - page 3

Images fromThe James and Emilia Govan Crèche Collection (left page to right, top to bottom):
Miroslav Dziwisz, Poland (Krakow), 2008, paper, foil, and light
cardboard, with plastic beads, light metal chain; Imre A. Varga, Hungary (Kecskemét), wood and paper; The Engelsen Family, Norway, wood; Designed by Nell Murphy
for Wild Goose Studio, Irish, n.d.; Italy, wood;
Tree of Life
, Mexico, n.d., artist unknown, painted clay; Mario Mendoza (detail), Argentinian (Jujuy), 2009; Quirina and
Robert Davis, Portugal and California, clay; Artisans of Sólheimar Crafts Center, Iceland (Sólheimar Ecovillage), wood; Artist unknown, German, n.d.
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